Feb. 20/21 - St. Bernard Church, Hastings Basket Raffle/Soup Sale/Breakfast Take Out
St. Bernard Church, Hastings will hold a Basket Raffle on Sat., Feb. 20, from 4-7 p.m. & on Sun., Feb. 21, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Covid restrictions will be followed.
Drawings will be held with a few witnesses at 2 p.m. All winners will be notified by phone. In addition: they will also hold a Soup Sale during the times of the basket raffle. There will be beef barley, chicken noodle & others available for sale at $6 / quart. No pre-orders.
Winner Take All Ticket: scratch off/ tear open tickets will be available for sale at the Basket Raffle or the Parish Rectory at 247-6558. $10 / ticket, with the drawing held on Sun., Feb. 21, at 2 p.m. A few witnesses will oversee the drawings. All winners will be notified by phone.
The Church is also sponsoring a Take Out *only* Breakfast on Sun., Feb. 21, from 9 – 11:30 a.m. Breakfast includes: 2 pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham slice, 2 slices of bacon & home fries for $8.
For more info. on all the above call St. Bernard Church at 247-6558.