February Soup Sale– Featuring Cream of Potato soup and/or Chicken Rivel soup. Pre-Orders will close on Wed., Feb. 7, at 3 p.m. Pick Up on Sat., Feb. 10, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in the lower level of the Parish Center.
To place an order:
- Conveniently order online. Please click at: https://queenofpeacepatton.org/february-2024-soup-sale OR
- Call the Parish Office at 814-674-8983 during open business hours (Mon. & Fri.: 9-3; Tues., Wed., Thurs.: 9-12 noon; Jan. 22: 9-12 noon) OR
- Fill out the order form & drop it at the office or the collection boxes in Church. (Order form is included with the Jan. 21 bulletin. Bulletin is also available online at https://queenofpeacepatton.org/february-2024-soup-sale