Feb. 2 - Basket Auction / Take-Out Pasta Dinner To Help Travis H.
Basket Auction / Take-Out Pasta Dinner – Sunday, February 2, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Patton American Legion. We are asking the community to come together and help Travis Helbig, after a devastating fire and loss of his garage on Saturday, January 4. There will be a take-out Pasta Dinner w/ salad, roll and dessert for $10 and a basket auction at the Patton American Legion Post 614 starting at 11 a.m – thru the afternoon with baskets being chanced off at 5 p.m., on Sunday, February 2. You can drop off baskets anytime at the Patton Library (during open business hours).
Donations can be accepted at Gofundme.com. You can find the page by searching Travis Helbig on gofundme.com or the Patton Public Library-Facebook page and click on the link.