AUGUST 1, 2002
Monday, August 1st marked 20 years since I left Sacred Heart Church in St. Mary’s PA. in order to assume duties here as your pastor. Two decades provides ample fodder for reflection; renovations, restorations, cooking, catering and baking in order to supplement the temporal needs of this faithful flock.
Now, you know as well as I that accomplishments on a temporal level are one thing, but those on the Spiritual/ Sacramental level are that which matter most. That being said, a review of the Sacramental Records shows the following for the past two decades:
† Baptisms – 180
† Confirmations – 304
† First Holy Communions – 247
† Funerals – 357
† Weddings – 70
As best as I can deduce, I have offered the Holy Sacrifice a minimum of 9,257 times, heard approximately 7,928 Confessions and, Extreme Unction well, hopefully that’s recorded in St. Peter’s book for the day of my Judgment.
How much more time will be allotted to me here is up to the Archabbot and the Almighty, so, who knows..... For whatever time is left, may it be Grace upon Grace.
Fr. Ananias, O.S.B.