Jan. 29 - Theology on Tap / Mar. 8 - Young Adult Retreat
Theology on Tap continues at the Boulevard Grill (165 Southmont Blvd., Johnstown) at 6 p.m., on Wednesday, January 29, with Fr. Mark Begley speaking on Prayer and Intimacy with Christ. Along with the Altoona Group, we are hosting a young adult retreat on Saturday, March 8, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m., at Saint Francis University (Immaculate Conception Chapel), featured speaker is Bob Sutton. If interested, posters are hung up in the hall with a QR Code that you must scan to register. There is a $10/registration fee. Pre-Register by March 1 ($10), day of registration ($20), cash, checks payable to St. Therese.
All young adults aged 18-39 are invited to join us! We are also seeking sponsors.
Questions?? Contact Andrew Potopa (Altoona group) at [email protected] or Geoffrey Stumpo (Johnstown group) at [email protected] or 814-659-7415.