Personal-Care Donations Needed for Shut-Ins and Nursing Home Residents
Your Help is Needed as the CCD Classes are once again requesting *Personal-Care Items* that they will package and deliver to our shut-in parishioners and those in local nursing homes for the holidays. In the past, you have been so generous with personal items to package, so we are asking for your help once again.
Please, no food (such as hard candy which can be a choking hazard), anything with a fragrance or items that the recipient could put in their mouth such as ChapStick, hand sanitizer, hand cream, etc... Suggested items but not limited to: playing cards, coloring books w/crayons, colored pencils, puzzle books, pads of paper, pencils, pens, combs, tissues, etc...
**Please bring to the Parish Office ASAP so the students can pack the Holiday bags on Sunday, November 12. ** Thank you!! (Parish Office Hours are: Mon. & Fri.: 9-3; Tues., Wed., Thurs.: 9-12 noon.)