What a wonderful time to return to Church, the Feast of Our Lord’s most precious Body and Blood. Denied the Wedding Banquet of the Lamb these past 14 weeks, prepare your hearts to receive Him.
+ Confessions Saturdays at 4:00 PM., also Wednesday, June 10th beginning at 6 PM (with at least one other visiting priest present).
+ Communion will be distributed after Masses.
+ Masks are required however, for those not wearing them, we will presume in charity, that you have a pre-existing medical condition.
+ The Mass schedule remains the same.
+ Mass attendance is still optional. You remain dispensed of your obligation to be present.
+ The number present is no longer 25 people, but is based rather on church capacity and social distancing. Family units are counted as 1 person.
N.B. Far from being exhaustive, this listing is based on the requirements of the Diocese. For a complete listing, please go to our Parish Website,
Bishop's Directives.
Procession and Benediction
+ Masses are permitted out-of-doors. We will *not* be doing that. However, since outdoors is an option, we will have a Procession (properly social distanced) with the Blessed Sacrament. This will take place at the conclusion of the Latin Mass (approx. 12:30). The Procession will conclude with Benediction.
You have been denied His Sacramental Presence, come, bask in the presence of the Godhead here in hiding.